
one of the three main pillars of that contribute to Your health. (exercise/sleep/food)

Sedentary lifestyle means stable internal environment for cells
(by narrowly regulating critical variables such as body temperature, glucose, pH levels, and O2 tension #this regulation mechanism is called Homeostasis). 

    However, it is not healthy to live a static life with minimal body movement. It has been proven that exercise helps reduce risks for depression, heart disease, type2 diabetes and obesity.

Overload principle is the body's way of adapting to exercise.
(1st stress -> 2nd Acute Response -> 3rd Chronic Adaptation)

    Not working out (detraining) will reverse the positive effects; while it takes about 8 weeks to fully adapt your body to training programs, the effects are reversed within 6 weeks by inactivity which results in return to baseline (Max oxygen uptake = Vo2max; Vastus lateralis SDH activity & cytochrome oxidase activity).

    Frequent endurance training will increase your tidal volume (how much oxygen can you take in with one breath) as well as VO2max (how well our body can use oxygen)

VO2max is a good indicator for an individual's potential performance
- similarly as is Horsepower (hp) for cars. It is as if the same quality oxygen had higher octane rating.

Increasing VO2max also reduces the daily workload for the heart.

- If you'd like to loose fat do aerobic (endurance activities ~ exercise 10min or longer) because: doing sprints can lead to injury when not properly trained or warmed up; and more importantly you'll be burning blood glucose, creatine Phosphate and ATP only.. but no fat will be utilized.

The Respiratory exchange ratio for fats is 0.70 and 1.0 for carbohydrates.

  • This measurement gives an indication of the type of fuel being used for energy production.

- Our body stores 5x as much fat as CHO (carbohydrates)

- Fat is the preferred fuel at lower exercise intensities but also contributes at higher workloads (crossover concept).

- Endurance training results in increases in all aspects of fat metabolism (mobilization & utilization).

Proteins can contribute ~ 5-15% of fuel supply during exercise.

When to workout:
  • Morning workout: Extra energy, extra testosterone, increased metabolism, super sleep
  • Evening workout: Longer lie-in, max strength, stress relief, pub evasion.

Should I always feel sore after workout?
- No


  • When exercise is performed in this state, fat loss is accelerated.
    - ref

Additional Images regarding the science of exercise:

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