
  1. "Real"
  2. Biological: [A] physically affected;  [B] mental perceptions
  3. Time beyond the known universe

Time is our most valuable asset.


According to Stephen Hawking's 'Brief History of Time': (p70) 

  • "This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is really the real time, and that what we call real time is just a figment of our imaginations. In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are no singularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like. But according to the approach I described in Chapter 1, a scientific theory is just a mathematical model we make to describe our observations: it exists only in our minds. So it is meaningless to ask: which is real, "real" or "imaginary" time? It is simply a matter of which is the more useful description."

There is the second law of thermodynamics which rules the time that is within known universe that was created by the singularity of the Big Bang in physical terms.


On biological terms however how we experience time is different - relative to the factors that is body&heart size; temperature; neocortical patterns and connections (aka new/redundant memories).. and so on.

Let's go trough these one by one; starting with the body size: Studies have concluded that all mammals get about a billion heartbeats per lifetime.

  • The Temperature affects us physically.
    You might have noticed that the closer to Equator to more vivid and energetic people are than where it is cold.
    At −273,15 °C all the motion stops, no particle moves that is why it is called absolute zero. During hibernation the body is slowed down; however nobody can grant that your consciousness will stay there within your body once/if you are finally waken up.
  • Gravity also affects & blends the time. The closer to a huge mass object the slower the time ticks. Within LHC particles that are accelerated to about 99.99997% of the speed of light can live 7 times longer(?).
    "However you should not be mistaken and try to move very fast (however unrealistic and super-expensive it would be to travel at speeds close to that of light) to live longer: the muon, like any system has always the same life-time in its own reference frame, it is only with respect to another external frame that the pace of time slows down. " - source
  • The older you are the more you know and experienced. This means that you have much more neocortical patterns (Ray Kurzweil - How to Create a Mind: (page 181)") and connections already created in your brain. Making stereotypes save us computation resources; but  certainly can lead to errors if the threshold is based on false or outdated information. Elder people mostly take what they know and experienced for granted; while newborns are yet to explore the world, and they treat everything as a prototype.
    Maybe the best way to illustrate this is when you drive somewhere you haven't been yet. The way to your destination seems to take longer than when you are coming back on the same path even if it in reality took exactly the same amount of time to go there as it took to get back. The reason being is that on the way there your brain is triggered more frequently by stimuli to build up new connections to memorize the path, than on the way back when you already mostly remember the pathway, just seeing it from a different perspective.
  • How you learn to interpret/perceive time. #TimeParadox
  • "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time,"
    #oxidative stress and telomere length.
  • Relative time perceptions: for a two years old 1 year is his/her half life;  at age of 20 its 10 years; at 60 the length of one year doesn't seem to be that long. Also there are less changes to a sixty years old metabolism than for baby or a teenager..
    During our lifetime; the younger/smaller your metabolism the faster the time seems to be ticking for you. 
    #Theseus Paradoxon - all our cells are replaced within every seven years;
    #after the age of thirty our personalities do not change that much.
    #our consciousness(es) remains the same during our lifespan as long as the corpus callosum is not damaged and functions properly to merge both hemispheres individual conscious. 
  • You are/became what you practice to be.
    We like to do what we are good at, and we are good at in what we invest our time.
    -learning curve and diminishing return may vary in different fields, but in general the following applies:
    Our brain is like a sponge - there is a rule of neuroplasticity that I call "use it or lose it". While it takes about 10k hours (8 hours/day for 5 years) to be within the very best of professionals at any given field; it takes only roughly 20 hours (~45 min/day for a month) to became moderately good at anything. The 'secret' for that is:
    1. Deconstruct the skill.
    2. Learn enough to self-correct.
    3. Remove practice barriers.
    4. Practice at least 20 hours.
  • #reference to Brain&Learning under 'Facts'
  • #Time boxing

Time beyond our universe - the simulation theory/multiple universes & existence

Hawking 'Brief Answers to Big Questions':
"I don't have a grudge against God. I do not want to give the impression that my work is about proving or disproving the existence of God. My work is about finding a rational framework to understand the universe around us."

"If you accept, as I do, that the laws of nature are fixed, then it doesn't take long to ask: What role is there for God?" 

"If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence," 

"Did God create the quantum laws that allowed the Big Bang to occur?"
"I have no desire to offend anyone of faith, but I think science has a more compelling explanation than a divine creator." 

"The universe itself, in all its mind-boggling vastness and complexity, could simply have popped into existence without violating the known laws of nature,"

"We have finally found something that doesn't have a cause, because there was no time for a cause to exist in," Hawking wrote. "For me this means that there is no possibility of a creator, because there is no time for a creator to have existed in." 

"We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe," Hawking concludes the first chapter of his final book, "and for that I am extremely grateful." 


According the latest studies in cosmology it appears that Dark Matter has been already present before the Big Bang;

Dr. Eben Alexander, as well as the Buddhists say that spirit&consciousness lives in another realm that is not physical. 

  • "Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth-no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant."

  • Buddhists believe in reincarnation, and the way we live our current life determines if we reach nirvana thus transcend as spiritual beings to the eternity, or if we have to relive life with zero clue about our previous life till we cleanse our spirit.

Buddhist say happiness is: 'the art of coming back to reality

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